Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse

Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse
Hôpital des enfants
330 avenue de grande bretagne
31059 Toulouse
Scientific Lead

Dr. Catherine Pienkowski
Phone: +33 (0)53 455 8553
Fax: +33 (0)53 455 8558
Project Staff

Françoise Auriol
Project manager
Institute Presentation
Our pediatric endocrinology unit is located in the academic hospital of Toulouse (France), headed by Prof. M. Tauber. We are the only center in the “Midi-Pyrénées” region (France) and we follow approximatively 100-150 DSD patients/year. In our center we organized the management of DSD within special team of experts including: the center of prenatal diagnosis (Dr. Sartor, Prof. Vayssiere), the surgeons expert in pediatric urology (Prof. Moscovici and Prof. Galinier), the radiologists (Dr. Baunin, Dr. Vial), the biologist (Dr. Gennero, Dr. Hamdi), the geneticists (Dr. Vigouroux). We collaborate closely with the team of Prof.Sultan in Montpellier and at Lyon Prof. Morel for special genetic studies. We offer adult follow up with the gynaecologic and endocrinologist team (Dr. Lorenzini, Dr. Lesourd, Prof. Caron, Dr. Bennet). Since 2001, Dr. C. Pienkowki is closely implicated in the management of patients with DSD and she participates in the national meetings initiated by Prof. Fekete Nihoul and by Prof. Lortat Jacob.
The pediatric clinical investigation unit (coordinator Prof. Salles) will be strongly implicated in this study. Ms Auriol (project manager) and Ms Cazals (CRA) will participate to this study.