Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The scientific advisory board will ensure a high standard of research and monitor the progress of the project by active involvement into the project processes and regular attendance in the annual General Assembly Meetings. Whenever appropriate, it will consult the consortium and make recommendations as to improve their performance.

Prof. Peter Lee
Professor of Pediatrics, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, USA. Pediatric Endocrinologist with 30 years experience of clinical care of DSD.Member of the DSD consensus group on the management of DSD, Chicago 2005.

Prof. Dr. rer nat. Meyer Bahlburg
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dept. Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Research focus: Developmental psychobiology of gender and sexuality with an emphasis on somatic disorders of sex development and transgenderism; assessment of gender and sexuality (including STI/HIV risk behaviors).
Clinical focus: Children and adolescents with disorders of sex development (intersexuality) or transgenderism.

Prof. Inas Mazen
Professor of clinical genetic & Endocrinology, Vice president of the Human Genetic & genome Research, Head of scientific committee, member of international office , member of high scientific permanent committee of The National Research Centre , Cairo

Prof. Justine Schober
Director of Academic Research UPMC Hamot Medical Center, Erie and Pfaff Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York, USA - Member of the Medical Advisory board of the Intersex Society of North America, ISNA

Dr. Margaret Simmonds
AISSG, patient support group, United Kingdom

Jürg Streuli
MD, Ethicist and Research Fellow - Paediethics and Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Co-Leader of the Swiss Network for Intersex and Variations of Sex Development.