Dept. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine at University Medical Center Goettingen

Dept. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine at University Medical Center Goettingen
Humboldtallee 36
37073 Goettingen
Scientific Lead

Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesemann
Phone: +49-(0)551 399006
Fax: +49-(0)551 399554
Project Staff

Stephanie Bernstein
Research fellowContact

Friederike Maassen
Student research assistant
Institute Presentation
The Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine is a university institution devoted to academic research and the education of medical students. Members are responsible for the design, development and delivery of specific educational programmes on medical ethics and history of medicine within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Göttingen. Since 2002, the Department has been responsible for the development of a European Network Ethics in Medicine and Biotechnology (EURETHNET) within the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission. Furthermore it participated in the EVIBASE, PROPEUR and FASTER projects in the 6th Framework Programme. In addition, the Department coordinated the Tiss.EU project and was a beneficiary in EthicsWeb, both within the 7th Framework Programme.