Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier
Département d'Hormonolgie et unité d'Endocrinologie Pédiatrique
Avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud 191
34295 Montpellier
Scientific Lead
Dr. Françoise ParisContact
Institute Presentation
CHRU MTP is the biggest regional employer (11 000 people). It has a capacity of 2 800 beds and is organised around 14 medical activity departments, closely connected with organisational services that allows the whole institution to carry out its 3 essential missions : health care, medical education and medical research. CHRUMTP is also involved in social aspects and prevention. Montpellier University Hospital Centre ranked 7th for its scientific productivity after Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. 3592 publications were accepted in international revues between 2005 and 2009 (37% of them at A or B levels).
During the last 30 years, we have gained a tremendous experience in the field of diagnosis and management of DSD. We offer clinical care of DSD in a multidisciplinary team covering endocrinology, genetics, psychology, surgery and social services. We see 50-100 patients/year with DSD in our clinics. The Research Department of MUH is made of 26 people dedicated to research stand projects supportOne unit is in charge of giving methodology expertise in the building up and the follow up of clinical research projects involving many clinical centres in France or in Europe. The other unit is in charge of partnership projects involving private companies and academic research institutions, such as technology transfers, clinical trials or national or translational collaborative projects. Altogether, CHRU MTP Research Department follows around 1 000 projects.