University of Luebeck

Scientific Lead

Prof. Dr. Ute Thyen
Phone: +49-(0)38 34/8619020
Fax: +49-(0)38 34/8619015

Prof. Dr. Olaf Hiort
paediatric endocrinologist
phone: +49 (0)451 500 2596
fax: +49 (0)451 500 6867
PD Dr. Lutz Wuensch
paediatric surgeon

Sabine Brehm
medical documentation
Institute Presentation
The Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of the University of Lübeck is a large clinical institution (6 wards with 90 available beds, approximately 15.000 ambulatory patients per year, including emergency care). Special expertise lies in the care of children, adolescents and increasing numbers of adults with disorders of sex development (50-100 patients/year). They are seen in the multidisciplinary DSD team with the Division of Paediatric Endocrinology (Head: Prof. Dr. Olaf HIORT), the Department of Paediatric Surgery (Director: PD Dr. Lutz WÜNSCH), and the Institute for Human Genetics (Director: Prof. Dr. Gabriele GILLESSEN-KAESBACH). UZL serves as one of the clinical centres for the study. Ute Thyen maintains national cooperation with Robert-Koch-Institut (Child and Adolescent Health Survey, Health Monitoring and Reporting) and the Institut for Health Promotion (BzGA), and international cooperation with the Institute for Child Health Policy Research, MGH, Boston, MA. The study group is a member of the university’s Academic Center for Health Services Research and Epidemiology in Lübeck. Previous international research collaboration includes two large projects funded by the EC (Quality of life in children and adolescents with disabilities and their families- (DISABKIDS) and Participation and health related quality of life of children with Cerebral Palsy (SPARCLE). Ute Thyen was coordinator of one of the German Networks for Rare Diseases, and principle investigator of the clinical study „Disorders of somatosexual differentiation and intersexuality: evaluation of treatment options and assessment of health related quality of life in children, adolescents and adults with disorders of sex development / intersexuality”. Further national multicenter studies include the efficacy of health education programs in schools and transition of care from pediatric to adult health care services for young people with chronic health conditions.