Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet
S-171 76 Stockholm
General contact information
If you would like to contact Karolinska in regard to the project dsd-LIFE - be it with questions or comments, please chose one of these e-mail adresses:
dsdlife.sweden(at)gmail.com or
or call us under + 46 (0)8 58581497
Scientific Lead
Associate Prof. Anna Nordenström
Phone: +46 (0)8 5858 1497
Fax: +46 (0)8 5858 1410e-mail
Project Staff
- Prof. Agneta Nordenskjöld
- Prof. Angelica Hirschberg
- MD PhD Louise Frisén
- Anna Strandqvist, Psychologist
- Associate Prof. Stefan Arver
- Prof. Anna Wedell
Institute Presentation
The DSD team and research network at the Karolinska Institute is the largest DSD center in Sweden. We are organized as a multidisciplinary team with endocrinologist Anna Nordenström, surgeon Agneta Nordenskjöld, psychiatrist Louise Frisén, psychologist Anna Strandqvist, gynecologist Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, andrologist Stefan Arver and genetic expertise Anna Wedell. We have regular clinics and team meetings and see 150-200 patients per year. Our centre organises yearly national meetings and educational activities, and has developed national guidelines for the initial assessment and diagnosis of DSD. We have close contacts with the TS team. An outpatient research facility at the Women´s Health Research Unit of the Karolinska University Hospital, with highly qualified research midwives and nurses, facilitates clinical studies. Our centre is active in research. Members of the team and research network have ongoing molecular genetic research on 46,XY DSD, gonadal dysgenesis and CAH. We have the facilities to make accurate molecular diagnoses and have extensive experience in clinical follow-up studies based on molecular diagnosis and including somatic and psychological psychosocial aspects.