About dsd-LIFE
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin has finished an international research project, dsd-LIFE, that was conducted with the purpose to improve clinical care in individuals with differences of sex development (intersex conditions). The conditions often lead to lifelong hormonal treatment and, for some conditions, genital surgery. dsd-LIFE has investigated the quality of life, clinical care, long-term effects of hormone therapies, experiences with surgery, and psychological support in affected persons. The study is funded by the European Union and is conducted in 14 European centres in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The project dsd-LIFE started on 1st October 2012, coordinated by Dr. Birgit Köhler, Charité Berlin. It receives funding of € 3 million from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-2013) within a lifecycle of 4,5 years.
1“Disorders of sex development” is a medical term encompassing a large variety of adrenal or gonadal hormonal imbalances. It was introduced in 2005 through the International Consensus Conference on Intersex in Chicago to pave the road towards patient centered care of intersex conditions. Appropriate terminology in this field is part of the ds-LIFE project.