Instytut “Pomnik-Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka”

Scientific Lead

Dr. Maria Szarras-Czapnik
Phone: +48 (0)22 8157060
Fax: +48 (0)22 8157065
Project Staff

Dr. Agnieszka Lecka-Ambroziak
Paediatrician, research assistant

Prof. Malgorzata Baka-Ostrowska
Haed of Paediatric Urology

Dr. Malgorzata Walewska-Wolf
Head of Outpatient's Clinic of Paediatric Gynecology

MSc. Katarzyna Bajszczak
Institute Presentation
The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (IPCZD) is the largest and the most modern paediatric hospital in Poland. It is also a research institute contributing to the development of modern paediatrics in our country. Patients with disordered sex development and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are diagnosed at the Department of Endocrinology. We also proceed diagnosis and management of other paediatric endocrinological diseases: growth and puberty disorders, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal diseases, diabetes. Among the unique procedures performed in our unit are: biochemical and molecular diagnosis and prenatal therapy of CAH, complex studies for gender determination in children with DSD, diagnosis of Cushing disease with CRH test and catheterization of the inferior petrosal sinuses.
The management of DSD is organised within special team of experts including: Dr M.Szarras-Czapnik with a 30-year experience in clinical care of DSD, Prof. M. Baka-Ostrowska, the surgeon expert in paediatric urology and Dr M.Walewska-Wolf, the gynecologist consultant. We follow 100-150 DSD patients/year in our Outpatient’s Clinic of Endocrinology. Hormonal and biochemical investigations are performed in laboratories of IPCZD, especially in Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine (steroid profiles – Prof. E. Malunowicz). We closely co-operate with the Department of Andrology and Reproductive Endocrinology in Lodz – Poland. We collaborated with the team of Prof. C.Sultan in Montpellier (molecular investigations in 5α-reductase deficiency, LH-receptor defect) and Prof. W. Arlt in Birmingham (POR deficiency).