Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Muenster

Scientific Lead
Dr. med. Annette Richter-Unruh
Project Staff
Dr. Sabine Königcontact
Institute Presentation
Annette Richter-Unruh is the head of department of Paediatric Endocrinology of the university children’s hospital Münster (University Münster, Germany). She and her team are cooperating with the institutes of Human genetics and reproduction of the University Münster. Patients with endocrine diseases especially DSD are discussed and investigated in a team work. More than 4000 children and adolescents are seen and treated in the outpatient department of paediatric endocrinology.
Prof. Dr. Susanne Krege is an urologist from the Maria Hilf hospital in Krefeld, specialized in plastic-reconstructive surgery. This means in the field of DSD, 46XX clitorisreductionplasty, vaginoplasty using a Fortunoff flap or a pull-through manuver, and in DSD, 46XY correction of hypospadias using local skin or buccal mucosa. Prof. Krege also is familiar with use of free skin grafts if necessary.
One Monday every month interdisciplinary consultant hours for patients with DSD are arranged. Together with Prof. Krege and Annette Richter-Unruh, patients with DSD and disorders of the external genitalia were seen.
Annette Richter-Unruh started paediatric endocrinology in 1998 in the university children’s hospital Essen. 2005 she finish her PHD (in Germany Habilitiation) about genotype-phenotype correlation in patient with LH receptor mutations.
Actually, Annette Richter-Unruh lead a study centre of a German Study “Comparison of clinical and metabolic effects of testosterone and estro-gens in adult gonadectomized patients with 46,XY DSD due to complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (cAIS)”. Since 2009 she is the speaker of the German DSD group and is the coordinator of the development of the German guidelines DSD.